Saturday, January 23, 2010

Build Your Own AR-15

Brownells is one of the largest online gun stores. They have a great selection of items, but unfortunately, their prices aren't always the best. Regardless, they have come up with a pretty cool concept, and that is to help you build your own AR-15. Most likely most of us do not know enough or have enough tools to build our own AR-15. However, from what I understand, it doesn't take many tools or much know-how to get it together, especially with all of the forums and guides out there on the internet. That being said, check out (also take note that they have some "premade guns" up at the top that can be starting points). Very cool concept and very cool site. Hope you'll check it out. Please let me know if you decide to build your own, I'd love to hear about your experience!

- Straight

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